Thursday, January 9
Flight Check-in
Please see email for flight check-in information and flight times.
Flight Arrival
Upon arrival, proceed to baggage claim to meet awaiting tour staff and claim your luggage. You will board awaiting transportation for transfer to the hotel.
Event Information Desk
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Reynolds Travel Staff will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. Stop by at your convenience to receive your tour credential.
Hotel Check-in
4:00 pm
Upon hotel arrival, proceed to the front desk to receive your room key. Although you have been pre-registered at the hotel, you must present your credit card to the front desk to guarantee any incidental charges (phone calls, room service, etc).
If you arrive prior to check-in time, your room may not be ready. Your luggage will be stored with the bellman until your room becomes available.
Friday, January 10
Event Information Desk
9:00 am - 12:00 pm​​
Reynolds Travel staff will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. Stop by at your convenience to receive your tour credential.
Game Departure from the Hotel
2:45 pm CST
Meet in the lobby to board the motorcoach. Make sure you have your cell phone and have saved your game tickets to your wallet.
3:00 pm CST
Motorcoach departs for AT&T Stadium in Arlington.
Cotton Bowl Events
3:30 pm CST
Goodyear Huddle Up Fan Fest
Before the BIG game, have some BIG fun at the Goodyear Huddle Up Fan Fest taking place in the East and West Plazas at AT&T Stadium.
This family-friendly event runs from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. and includes interactive exhibits, games, great giveaways, tons of food trucks, kids’ play zones, photo opportunities and so much more. Each person must have a game ticket to access the Fan Fest.
4:00 pm CST
Ohio State Pep Rally, Miller Litehouse Plaza
4:30 pm CST
This year's Fan Fest features a BIG attraction with DJ Diesel, aka Shaquille O'Neal, taking center stage for a 60-minute performance in the West Plaza
SemiFinal Cotton Bowl Game
4:30 pm CST
Stadium gates open
There are no in-and-out privileges at AT&T Bowl Stadium. Once you exit the stadium, you may not re-enter.
Please note AT&T Stadium is a cashless venue.
The AT&T Stadium has implemented a clear bag policy for all events. You may take a 12"x6"x12" clear plastic bag or 1 gallon plastic freezer bag. Small, one compartment, clutch bag that does not exceed 4.5″ x 6.5″, with or without a handle or strap. This can be carried separately or within a plastic bag.
6:15 pm CST
Pregame Show and festivities
6:34 pm CST
National Anthem
6:39 pm CST
Team Introductions​
6:45 pm CST
Ohio State vs Texas​
Return to the Hotel
45 minutes after the trophy ceremony
Motorcoaches will be parked in Lot 15. Please look for the Reynolds Travel tour signs, directing you to your designated motorcoach area. Staff will be available to direct you to the appropriate motorcoaches.
Saturday, January 11
Airport Departure
Please refer to your flight departure notice for flight time and departure information
Hotel Check-out
By 12:00 pm
Hotel packages:
Check-out of the hotel at the front desk and pay all incidental charges.
Thank you for traveling with us!
Have a safe trip home!